Animation considerations Inverse-Kinetics
Why optimise 3D models for game engine use?
Higher polygon counts in the scene can decrease the frame rate
BIM Building information model(very details)
Reducing polygons for models
texture polygons less important models and have it lower polygons
a polygon with more than four vertices and edges
Principles of Virtual Composition
Virtual Environment
a form of software goal-directed play> more players, rules, organised,outcome
Levels Creation
scenarios within a simulation Gaming Environment Gaming Events: trigger Framing of Virtual Camera» FPS Game Objectives
Gameplay within the space
what gameplay occurs in the space
Architectural Spatial Arrangements
size and shape arrange the objects» open /closed , challenges of indoor vs outdoor
Furnished and unfurnished spaces
Visual Communication in Design
include noticing visual elements landmarks > visual cues
Social Interactions
consider when designing the level location within the defined space Player can interact with each other through speech
will occur naturally
Workflow for Asset or Environment Planning
11 step preproduction blueprint
Environment Story
the environment to help tell the story of the game
Focal Points
Part 3 Game World
culture> moral values
How Game Worlds Entertain
Dimensions of a Game World
spatial dimension 2D game world 3D game world
Part 4 Engaging Environments and Emotioneering
Affecting Interest
Inherent interest Poetry of Presentation Psychological Proximity
The Hero’s Journey be Joseph Campbell
- 本文作者:Xinyi He
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