Sense of Place
GEO as a place-based theme
Informal Local context Experiential Engagement
Geo-visualization Timeline
traditional mapping and mapmaking 3D CAD based Virtual Globes
parallax physical reality head-mounted display
Embodied Coginition
Mind> Body > Environment
Two level model of spatial presence
Attention allocation spatial situation model self-location possible actions spatial presence
From technology to user experience
technological affordances(自解释)> immersion application experience
Sensing the world
Data from multiple sources
Immersive Visualization
Visualization provides insight> abstract data made visually accessible,communication everything is about cognition> perceiving, understanding , deciding spatial understanding is an important part of place-based cognition> XR is space creator, XR aids cognition, but in practice it can be complex and messy
Cognitive Load Theory
Intrinsic load germane load> task extraneous load > unnecessary
Seductive(有吸引力的) details
Design is the key Body-based interactions
the spatial extent visible from a given viewpoint
- 本文作者:Xinyi He
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