Social XR
spatial presence social presence self embodiment agency multi-modol non verbal cues
The Impact and Vision of Immersive Tech
future of human communication: building it responsibly,together Immersive media: Face-to-Face »AR>MR> Agrumented Reality»VR words> 2Dpictures> 3D immersive
XR collaboration: Microsoft Mesh Vision Metaverse: Meta’Vision Spatial Computation: Apple Vision pro capacablity
Digital Human
balance technology and artistry
Point clouds,Meshes,NeRF,3D Gaussian Splatting
3D Gaussian Splatting
can not measure but see fill the gap
Neural Radiance Field
deep learning for reconstructing a 3D from sparse 2D image AI based
Dynamic scenarios
sycohronous cameras limited field fo fview heavy post processing minics reality using custom-caotured
Why is it challenging?
Generative AL ,LLMs: Computing power and reasoning engine for creation
Ethical considerations: Balancing Potention and Responsiblity
data privacy and control inclusive accessible safe and secure digital worlds digital human human righte and risks
transforming lives with impact and responsibility:healthcare , education Life-Like AR -example view remote collaboration tp global expertise
Vision for the future of human connection
integrated to sensory
- 本文作者:Xinyi He
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