Advanced Earth Observation|6.Time series analysis

2024/01/21 Advanced Earth Observation 共 4028 字,约 12 分钟



Creating a raster brick and cleaning the MODIS data using the reliability layer

Option 1: detect break at the end of the time series with BFAST Monitor

Now we apply the bfastmonitor function using a trend + harmon model with order 3 for the harmonics (i.e. seasonality modelling): ==Time of break== ==Magnitude of change plot==

Option 2: detecting all breaks in the middle of a time series with BFAST Lite

BFAST monitor用于检测时间序列末尾的第一个中断。如果您需要检测多个中断,则需要使用不同的算法:BFAST 或 BFAST Lite。 让我们对前面步骤中的数据运行函数 bfastlite() 。与默认值 LWZ 相比,将参数 breaks 设置为 BIC 可以更自由地检测中断。

Seasonality monitoring using harmonics

PPT Part1


Why time series analysis?

  • understand ==long-term changes== and ==dynamics==
  • ==Near real-time== change detection

    Satellite-based time series analysis

    Urban Sprawl Sea level rise Annual Forest change» selective logging

    研究现状(radar 狠狠增长)

    Global dense satellite time series imagery, at 10 – 30m spatial resolution now available openly:
  • Optical: Sentinel-2, Landsat,
  • Radar: Sentinel-1
    Microsatellites provide high resolution (1 – 5 m) data
  • Optical: Planet Labs
  • Radar: IceEye, Capella Space


    Bi-temporal versus time series

    two points vs series

    Bi-temporal Change Detection


  • image differencing
  • delta classification


  • conceptually simple and quick
  • easy to interpret


  • no accurate timing of changes or understanding of dynamics
  • inaccurate estimate of change magnitude Bi-temporal versus time series

    (complete)Time Series


  • accurate monitoring of forest change dynamics and timing
  • analysing change (e.g. change magnitude) and post-change parameters (e.g. recovery speed, follow up land use)


  • conceptually(概念上) more advance
  • mainly pixel-based

    Preparing for time series analysis

    Important steps: ==1. Image acquisition»2. Pre-processing»3. Analysis==

    1.Image acquisition

  • Trade-off(权衡) between spatial and temporal resolution
  • High spatial and temporal resolution E.g. Sentinel 1/2 sensors; 5 daily, 10-20m Planet: daily, 4 m (PlanetScope) or 5-daily, 1 m (SkySat)

    2. Pre-processing(optical satellite data)

    目的Maximizing the signal to noise ratio

    1. Geometric correction
    2. Radiometric correction
    3. Atmospheric correction
    4. Cloud Masking
    5. Compositing 影像合成
    • Derivation of vegetation indices
    • Advantage: extract cloud and atmospheric effects
      1. Derivation of vegetation indices ==Pre-processing advantage with time series»extract cloud and atmospheric effects==

        3. Analysis(Time series methods)


        BFAST: Breaks for Additive Season and Trend CCDC(Continuous Change Detection and Classification)



        Probabilistic approaches



  • Time series analysis
  • Understand long-term changes and dynamics
  • Near real-time change detection
  • Selection of time series methods depends on application
  • Dense & high resolution Sentinel-1 (radar) and -2 (optical) time series available

    PPT Part2

    Disturbance monitoring using BFAST-type algorithms扰动监测

    BFAST family(Breaks for additive seasonal trend)

  • BFAST: find ==all breaks== in the time series
  • BFAST Lite: faster, but less detailed version
  • BFAST Monitor: find one break ==at the end of the time series==
  • BFAST01: find the single ==biggest break== and classify its type

    BFAST(Breaks For Additive Seasonal Trend)

    find all breaks in the time series

    Components of a time series:

  • Trend
  • Seasonality
  • Noise 三个加起来是Time series

    BFAST principles

(1).Decomposition 分解
  • using stl()
  • Season and Trend decomposition using LOESS (locally estimated scatterplot smoothing) into components
    (2).On each component
  • Piecewise linear regression(线性相关)
  • Optimise to minimise model’s residual sum of squares (RSS)(最小残差和)
  • Choose number of breaks based on Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)(break的次数)»>BIC越小,表示模型在拟合数据上的表现越好。在时间序列分析中,如果考虑断点的个数,可以尝试不同的断点数量,计算每个数量下的BIC值,然后选择BIC值最小的数量作为最优的断点数量。
    Linear regression of seasonality: harmonics

    This gives all breaks in the time series, separately for season and trend

    BFAST Lite

    ==updating historical land cover maps globally==

  • Concept: faster, but less detailed version»> new development, like BFAST, but skips (1) and goes straight into (2)
  • Advantage
    • significantly faster
    • handles missing values
    • Does not distinguish between breaks

      BFAST Monitor

  • Near real-time change monitoring
  • The end of time series abnormal or not==(deforest)==
  • Temporal perspective»>Using the history to determine what is normal
  • Methodology: 3 steps for near real-time monitoring
    • Identify a stable history period
    • Model the stable history period
    • Do new observations in the monitoring period conform with the expected behaviour of the history sample


      find the single biggest break and classify its type



    Table of Contents