Advanced Earth Observation|9.Accuracy Assessment

2024/01/24 Advanced Earth Observation 共 8697 字,约 25 分钟



1. Accuracy estimation based on sample counting


2. Area weighted accuracy estimation for stratified sampling

Why is converting the map to an equal area projection a necessary step?等积投影

An accuracy assessment which includes area weights and inclusion probabilities based on the size of the surface, would be more accurate if the area size is preserved.

The sample inclusion probability refers to the probability that a sample pixels is selected. Inverse of the inclusion probability (i.e sample weights) is used for area weighted accuracy estimation.样本包含概率是指样本像素被选择的概率。包含概率的倒数(即样本权重)用于面积加权精度估计。


  1. Overall accuracy 增加 The overall accuracy of the area weighted increases, because the incorrectly classified pixels in the smaller areas (like class 7) have a lower weight/less influence on the overall accuracy.
  2. 用户精度不变,生产者精度变化The user accuracy calculates inside one class, but the producer’s accuracy calculates among the different classes (both TP and FN). After changing the projection, and including an area weight, the area of different classes is corrected in different levels/proportions, so the producer’s accuracy will change.

    3. Area estimation accounting for map errors


    The error adjusted includes the pixels which were missed (False Negatives) in the area estimation. If the difference is larger, it means that the denominator of producer’s accuracy (TP + FN) was smaller, so there were fewer false negatives.

    4. Automated calculation of accuracy and confidence intervals


    Considering that the first shows the error adjusted estimated area and the second row is the + or –uncertainty range of the area size, the area that could possibly either be or not be in the estimated area size.

    5. Sampling designs and sample allocation

    当需要验证图谱时,可以使用不同的抽样设计选项来选择验证样本 When focusing on class area estimation, which sampling options is preferred? (当关注类面积估计时,首选哪种采样选项?考虑样本包含概率和每种湿地类型样本点的代表性) 选sample sites per class types. As we saw with the random sampling, the area size of the classes in the field needs to be accounted for to ensure more accurate classification. Comparing them proportional and custom sample size approach, the custom sample includes the pixels for each class.

    • Sample inclusion probability: Inclusion probability for classes with smaller area is in this case really low. By manually thresholding the number of pixels for each class the probability of smaller classes to be selected is greater.
    • Sample sites per class types: In the proportional sampling option class 9 has 0 pixels selected, and few for classes 2, 3, 6 and 7. As the proportion was based on the area size of the classes, smaller classes did not get enough samples for statistical analysis. With custom sample sizes, the sampling resulted in more samples per class, however, smaller classes are still underrepresented.


      Research purpose:

      creating ==maps== and drawing conclusions 画地图 OR testing and comparing ==models==建模型

      Why map accuracy assessment?

    • remote sensing 的优点: it often allows wall-to-wall coverage of the area under consideration for a measurement variable.
    • remote sensing 的缺点: The weakness of remote sensing is that results are never perfect.
      Map accuracy assessment is an integral part of remote sensing based monitoring which informs on the map quality.
  3. positional accuracy: determines how closely the position of discrete objects shown on a rectified image (map) or in a spatial database agree with the true position on the ground.在地图上和在真实位置的区别
  4. thematic accuracy: refers to the non-positional characteristic of a spatial data entity, the so-called attributes属性特征精确度,属性都错了 Positional error 太多就会从1变成2(Positional error can manifest in thematic errors due to positional inaccuracy. )

    How to assess map accuracy

    validation是: The process of assessing, by independent means, the quality of the data products derived from the system outputs.

  5. high quality in-situ or other reference data
  6. Representative sample
  7. More than 30 sample locations
  8. Update map accuracy assessment if there are new updates.

    How to assess map accuracy using representative sample?

    • Sampling design如何选择有代表性的样本?
    • Response design如何收集地面真相/参考数据?
    • Accuracy estimation如何估计精度?

      Sampling designs:

    • 为了获得unbiased(representative) estimate 无偏估计,我们用probability sampling or random sampling概率抽样和随机抽样
    • 概率抽样又叫 inclusion probability :means each sample unit within the area of interest needs to have a probability to be included as a sample unit.
    • known and should be non-zero(如果是未知的概率,就是non-probability sampling)
    • We cannot say the accuracy number represents the entire mapped area Probability sampling(inclusion probability)»> known»non-zero

      四种随机抽样方法sampling selection scheme:

    • 简单simple random: Sample sites are randomly selected.
    • (different classes)分层stratified random: The study area is divided into strata: Sample sites are randomly selected in each stratum
    • 系统systematic: Selecting sample sites based on a fixed distance or interval. Usually, the starting selection is random
    • 块cluster random(all pixels in the block):Larger blocks are selected randomly and all units within the block is used.

      Which sampling selection scheme to choose?

      depends on the objective and requirement

    • 成本If fieldwork is required, the cost aspect is important (cluster and stratified).
    • 特定阶层用分层Targeting specific classes or regions, stratification can be used.

      How many sample size?

    • Practical consideration (budget and time)
    • Statistical consideration: population proportion/population mean

      Response design

    • 指的是如何收集ground truth/reference data
    • High quality remote sensing images can sometimes used for reference data collection.高质量的图像做收集参考
    • Visual interpretation of different data sources is used to identify the reference label at the sampled locations. 使用不同数据源的可视化解释来识别采样位置的参考标签。 - Clear protocol on what to measure (soil ph, carbon or soil type, land use type) - Good preparation and planning

      Data sources for collecting the reference/validation data

  9. Available VHR images (Google, Bing map, and Planet)
  10. Temporal profiles of NDVI or other indices (Google Earth Engine)
  11. Multidate images for different seasons (Google earth, Sentinel and Landsat images.
  12. Geotagged photos or street view (Google earth)

    Reference data quality

    • Reference labels need to be of high quality and represent “truth” (close representation).
    • Visual interpretation is not error-free.

      Accuracy estimation

      Accuracy metrics

    • Discrete (land use type, forest type, forest change) Overall accuracy总体精度 Class accuracy (user’s and producer’s accuracy, F score)类精度
    • Continuous variables (biomass, soil organic carbon) Root mean square error (how much the map prediction deviates from the sample)(RMSE) Mean absolute error(MAE) Mean error (ME)


      Confusion Matrix(all inclusion probability)

Overall accuracy= TP+TN/(TP+TN+FP+FN) User’s accuracy= TP/(TP+FP) Producer’s accuracy= TP/(TP+FN)

Producer’s and user’s accuracy are calculated for each class. 有效的条件:This works when all sample points have the same inclusion probability 所以,要是不相等呢

What if the sample inclusion probability is not equal?

(就是分层了Sampling weight (inverse of inclusion probability) is different per sample point.) Create a confusion matrix accounting for the sample/strata weights.但是算法还是一样的

Accuracy estimation variance

  • The reference sample is selected randomly. 我们用同样的方法抽样得到的精度数字不同?
  • Because we used a small set of sample, the result might deviate from the population estimation (accuracy of the entire map). 我们只用了一小部分

  • We can calculate this uncertainty as confidence intervals for the estimated accuracy.(置信区间)
  • The larger the sample size, the smaller the sampling error will be, and the more representative the sample will be of the population.(越大越精确)
  • Exact calculation depends on the sampling design we selected, check good practice documents.

0.95+- 0.02 is standard deviation/ confidence interval for specific region of confidence

Machine learning terms for accuracy

Precision = User’s accuracy Recall = Producer’s accuracy

  • F1 Score is the Harmonic Mean between precision and recall. The range for F1 Score is [0, 1]. » F1= 2*1/1/precision+1/recall

    Continuous variables(biomass, soil organic carbon)

    RMSE: Root mean square error (how much the map prediction deviates from the sample) MAE: Mean absolute error –an average absolute difference ME: Mean error – the average difference

    Other ways for map assessment

    Model-based map assessment using spatially predictive models.

  • Not restricted by random sampling.
  • Analyze spatial correlation for each class

    Model Validation

    Why model assessment

    Research Objective:

  • Developing /improving models (classification, regression)
  • Comparing models (classification, regression)

    Assessment objective

  • How good is my model for unseen data points/locations?
  • How good is the prediction?

    Response design and accuracy estimation protocols are ==similar== to map accuracy assessment


  • Collecting reference data
  • Calculating accuracy/quality metrics

    Sampling design

  • Sample-based inference is not necessary, although map assessment can also show how good your model is.
  • How good is your model prediction at unseen data/location?

    Model assessment sample模型评估样本

    Depends on the availability of reference data. Sometimes we are not blessed to have a good and large reference dataset.

    Order of preference to use:

    1. Independently collected reference data
    2. If a large sample set (divide your reference data into training and validation sets)
    3. If a small dataset, k-fold cross-validation is an option
    4. If a small dataset, leave-one-out ==cross-validation== (least reliable)
      Cross Validation

      A statistical method of evaluating and comparing learning algorithms by dividing data into two segments:

    5. learn or train a model
    6. validate the model. 验证次数:5-fold validation, 10-fold validation is also common.
  • Accuracy is calculated for each iteration on the validation set. 迭代计算
  • Average of the accuracy metrics is reported together with a variance.平均值和方差
    When sub setting your data into two sets

    就是不要在同一个多边形里面划分training pixel 和validation pixel,最好分成两个多边形。



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