MachineLearning|8. Support Vector Machines and Kernels

2024/02/13 MachineLearning 共 3859 字,约 12 分钟


Separating Hyperplanes

  • when you want to find a decision boundary, avoid estimating densities
  • linear decision boundry,就是设置这个式子为0,就是它的decision boundry hyperplanes separate feature space into regions ![[ca46b3d627febe82dbbee7126a1c74a.png]]
  • for new X, 可以带入最后一个式子,然后看y=1,还是y=-1来分类 exercise1. This problem involves hyperplanes in two dimensions. (a) Sketch the hyperplane 1 + 3X1 − X2 = 0. Indicate the set of points for which 1 + 3X1 − X2 > 0, as well as the set of points for which 1 + 3X1 − X2 < 0. (b) On the same plot, sketch the hyperplane −2 + X1 + 2X2 = 0. Indicate the set of points for which −2 + X1 + 2X2 > 0, as well as the set of points for which −2 + X1 + 2X2 < 0.

    Maximum margin classifiers


  • generalization link to regularization
  • for generalization, the decision boundary should lie between the class boundaries
  • Maximize perpendicular distance(最大化垂直距离) between the decision boundary and the ==nearest observations==: the margin M the decision boundary then only depends on a few points on the margin, the support vectors:if you remove one from other ob, nothing changes
  • 所以, leave one out will fail


    maximize the margin(尝试最大边际化), under the constraint that training observations are classified correctly


    ● separable classes ● linear separability ● two classes


  • Maximum margin classifier is prone to ==overfitting==: very sensitive to training set
  • When classes ==overlap==, separating hyperplane does not exist
  • We need to make a trade-off between errors on the training set and predicted performance on the test set (generalization)

    Solution: The soft margin


  • Solution: ==allow (some, small) errors on the training set,==introducing slack (松弛)variables ∊i ≥ 0»>Add slack variables to maximum margin classifier, but limit total slack to C: the trade-off parameter
  • 变化:M» M(1-e),然后引入一个C,误差平方和<=C
  • C influence solution: There is no a prori best choice for C ![[7b9e34d7c7461765eca88a763603261.png]]

    The multi-class case

  • one-versus-one
  • one- versus-all exercise ![[b5b665fde36990c4b2cb1fd1525e3e6.png]]


    从最大化M(margin)到最小化一个系数w和常数b的平方和 但是为了解决is a (large) quadratic programming (QP) problem 又引入了lagrange multipliers alphai

    The nonlinear case

    Ideal: classes may become linearly separable if higher order terms are added(cf. nonlinear regression) ![[22e573c5252d8db1948d586ddaa54dd.png]]


  • feature是要平方还是开方,等等,我不知道
  • efficiently train the SVC,就是p= 10 ,如果要3次,就会有286种组合方式了

    The Kernel Trick

    ![[4a4865d0f12df10785319a4f7353e67.png]] 训练阶段,我们需要计算所有训练样本之间的内积,如 xi 和 xi’ 之间的内积。训练完成后,当我们需要对新的样本进行分类时,我们只需要计算支持向量 (support vectors) 与新样本之间的内积。 ![[bc20a49a601a7f34eaf96a7d8938959.png]] 引入一个用于泛化的核函数Think of kernel functions as similarities: large when the inputs are very alike, small when they are not ![[ff68f02e96fdb61695f150a047643ef.png]] ![[50b2ca5c56b26fa1a3d05635b85e2dd.png]] 到这一步了,才有两种方法可以选择K(x_i, x)

  • Polynomial kernel
  • Radial kernel

    The support vector machine

    Choosing Kernels

    What kernel functions should we use? type: prior knowledge of problem, trial-and-error parameters: cross-validation, like for C exercise ![[f915649b7e14afa4dc5ab759f53800c.png]]

    More Kernels

    A large number of kernels have been proposed,not limited to numerical/vector data! ● Vector kernels ● Set kernels ● String kernels ● Empirical kernel map ● Kernel kernels ● Kernel combination ● Kernels on graphs ● Kernels in graphs ● Kernels on probabilistic models


  • Separating hyperplane: any plane that separates classes
  • The support vector machine has evolved from fundamental work by Vapnik: separable, linear problems: maximum margin classifier non-separable, linear problems - add slack variables:support vector classifier non-separable, non-linear problems - use kernel trick:support vector machine
  • Training involves quadratic programming (optimization)
  • The final classifier only depends on the support vectors

  • SVMs are widely used and work well in many cases,but care needs to be taken in selecting C, the kernel type and its parameters (using cross-validation)
  • The kernel trick: replace inner products by more general kernel functions can be applied in many other algorithms
  • Many kernels have been proposed for non-vector data, i.e. sets, strings, graphs etc.: very useful in bioinformatics, vision, document analysis etc.
  • SVMs are linked to logistic regression (section 9.5, not discussed here)

    Support Vector

    Support Classifiers



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