MachineLearning|11. Nueural networks and deep learning

2024/02/17 MachineLearning 共 3471 字,约 10 分钟

Neurons and gradient descent

  • Neural nets are interconnected networks of simple processing units, a.k.a neurons
  • It remains just a parallel, the artificial neuron is just an approximation! ![[e1854a76c71801fa05b63cdcc8df20e.png]] The output y was modelled as a weighted linear combination of inputs xj. Moreover, a transfer function, or activation function was used to make a decision.

    Gradient descent–how to find the right weights?


  • We want to find the minimum of an error function
  • We start with an initial guess of the parameter b
  • We change its value in the direction of maximal slope (导数Derivatives are slopes)
  • We continue until reaching a minimum



  • To update a weight b, we remove to its value the derivative
  • a is called a learning rate»It decides by how much you multiply the step vector»Large a can lead to faster convergence than small» too large a can lead to disaster
  • r is the iteration
  • Why the minus sign? Because we want to move towards a minimum!



    Numerical example

    Learning rate controls oscillation and speed Momentum uses a bit of the previous step ![[3d375e4b508a68b06aee5e1f50e64cd.png]] ![[42d9ae86c4a881a9763de2dfe7a21a9.jpg]]

    the models using them multi-layer perceptron convolutional neural networks ( deep learning)

    Multilayer perceptron (MLP)

    (from linear classifier to nonlinear version)

  • It’s a feed forward network: it goes from inputs to outputs, without loops
  • Every neuron includes an activation function (e.g. sigmoid, see earlier slides) ![[3948b8cc0b8edb04747f9b1872eb42e.png]]

    Chain rule

  • How to compute gradient descent on a cascade级联 of operations?
  • How to reach all trainable weights? ![[7f0b6cde9605e7be94f1fef714e9d67.png]] ![[245f99775be317ce5f517f38306268d.png]]
    1. The forward pass: you put a data point in and obtain the prediction
    2. The Backward pass: you update parameters by back-propagating errors exercise Describe the architecture of the following network. ● How many layers are there? 2 ● How many neurons per layer? 3,1 ● How many trainable parameters (weights and biases)?10

      Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)

  • they proposed a network learning spatial filters on top of spatial filters. They were (and are) called convolutional neural networks
  • The CNN was considered interesting, but very hard to train. It needed● Loads of training data > nobody had them● A lot of computational power > same


    big data graphic processing

    How to work

  • They are conceptually very similar to MLPs
  • But their weights (b) are 2D convolutional filters
  • For this, they are very well suited for images ![[d46bfe4432033414ed2e96953c55ef5.png]] ![[4fb227f9d791d464005deebfb4d4eea.png]]
  • In convolutional neural networks, the filters are spatial (on 2D grids). ● local : they convolve the values of the image in a local window● shared: the same filter is applied everywhere in the image: why shared? “Recycling” the same operation allows to have much less parameters to learn!


  • By “learns”, I mean adapt filters weights to minimize prediction error (i.e. backpropagation)


  • Convolutional filters start with random numbers
  • Iteratively they are improved: each coefficient is updated in the direction of largest gradient of the cost function
  • At the end, the filters become quite meaningful!


  • Perceptrons are “neuron-inspired” linear discriminants
  • Multilayer perceptrons are trainable, nonlinear discriminants
  • Feed-forward neural networks in general can be used for classification, regression and feature extraction
  • There is a large body of alternative neural nets
  • Key problems in the application of ANNs are choosing the right size and good training parameters
  • Convolutional neural networks have a constrained architecture encoding prior knowledge of the problem
  • Deep learning is concerned with constructing extremely large neural networks that depend on:● special hardware (GPUs), to be able to train them● specific tricks (e.g. rectified linear units) to prevent overfitting



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