What is Many to Many
A sale includes many items An item can appear in many sales
How to link the tables with m:m relationship
we can not link them directly PK are saleno and lineno or itemno
Join for Multiple Tables
Set Operator: UNION
List all items that A) were sold on 1995-01-16, or B) are brown 比OR多了一个unique They are same. UNION doesn’t check the information is logical or not,just put them together
List all items that A) were sold on 1995-01-16, and B) are brown INTERSECT is not supported by MySQL
SELECT itemname FROM item_w, lineitem, sale
WHERE item_w.itemno = lineitem.itemno
AND lineitem.saleno = sale.saleno
AND saledate = “1995-01-16”
INTERSECT SELECT itemname FROM item WHERE itemcolor = ‘Brown’;
IN (replace INTERSECT in MySQL)
SELECT itemname FROM item_w, lineitem, sale
WHERE item_w.itemno = lineitem.itemno
AND lineitem.saleno = sale.saleno
AND saledate = “1995-01-16“
AND itemname IN (SELECT itemname FROM item WHERE itemcolor = ‘Brown’);
SELECT COUNT(* ) FROM item_w WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM item_w WHERE itemtype = ‘E’);
return 20
Forall by Double Not-Exists
Find instance from one table that are in every instance of another table
target sources target-source
Chapter 6: One-to-One and Recursive Relatioships
What is recursive?
An entity is part of another entity these entities have the same features
Recursive 1:1 Relationship
REFERENCES is table itself
Recursive 1 : m Relationship
CONSTRAINT fk_has_boss foreign key (bossno) REFERENCES emp(empno));
- 本文作者:Xinyi He
- 本文链接:https://buliangzhang24.github.io/2024/04/14/SQL-Lecture-3-Many-to-Many-&-One-to-One-and-Recursive-Relationships/
- 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证)