SQL|Notes for Books

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The Managerial Perspective

1 components of organizational memory and then discussing some of its common problems. 2 the relationship between information and organizational goals

Newell-Simon Model the augmented human information processing model becomes a pattern for an organizational information precessing system

Chapter 1 Managing Data

Memory system

Individual data management

interval memories exterval memories: to do list : the some features commom to all data management systems: storage medium, structure for storing data, interface for rapid data entry and retrieval

Organizational data management

Types of information systems

The information systems cycle

Desirable attributes of data

Components of organizational memory

Problems with data management systems

redundancy, lack of data control, poor interface, delays, lack of reality, lack of data integration

Chapter 2 Information

This chapter has some good parts and some arguable ones. It presents a very partial view of information. For instance, information is also a commodity of power, as you will probably have experienced. Also, there is more to decision making than information. There are many viewpoints in this chapter that could be questioned. Furthermore, the focus is very much on business information. Research institutes function in a somewhat different way. Still, if you change “manager” into “research client” much remains valid

A historical perspective

A brief history of information systems

Information Characteristics

hardness, richness, class(content, form, behavior, and action)

Information and organizational change

goal-setting information, planning, benchmarking,gap information, problem identification,scorekeeping,change information, problem solution, information as a means of change, marketing,customer service, empowerment,

Information delivery systems

Information intergration


Section2 Data Modeling and SQL

Chapter 3: The Single Entity

Note: Entity-Relationship diagramming key skills : data modeling and query formation Data definition language(DDL) Data manipulation language(DML) Structured Query Language (SQL)

Creating a single-table database

entity一个表是entity entity name becomes the table name identifier becomes the primary key attributes就是一个column instance 这个表里面的一行就是freedonia copper是一个instance

Defining a table

| VARCHAR(n) | A variable-length string of up to n characters | | ———- | ———————————————- | open diamond indicate the column can be null closed diamond indicate the column must have a value

Inserting rows into a table

Querying a single-table database

<>不等于 和a BETWEEN x AND y等于 a >= x AND a <= y

IN 和or相等

SELECT * FROM share WHERE shrcode IN ('FC','AR','SLG');
  WHERE shrcode = 'FC' or shrcode = 'AR' or shrcode = 'SLG';

NOT IN 和<>相等

SELECT * FROM share WHERE shrcode NOT IN ('CS','PT');
SELECT * FROM share WHERE shrcode <> 'CS' AND shrcode <> 'PT';

Ordering columns

Ordering rows

SELECT * FROM share WHERE shrpe >= 10
  ORDER BY shrpe DESC, shrfirm;

按照shrpe的大小来降序排列 数据的类型,根据numeric 来排列和根据characher来排列是不同的

Derived data

SELECT shrfirm, shrprice, shrqty, shrdiv/shrprice*100 AS yield FROM share;


Aggregate functions


SELECT COUNT(shrfirm) AS bigholdings FROM share WHERE shrqty > 50000;

AVG-averaging SUM MIN MAX


SELECT shrfirm, shrpe FROM share
  WHERE shrpe > (SELECT AVG(shrpe) FROM share);

经典错误 SELECT shrfirm, shrpe from share WHERE shrpe > avg(shrpe); ==你不能在WHERE子句中直接引用聚合函数结果作为过滤条件==

Regular Expression

search for a string List all firms containing ‘Ruby’ in their name

SELECT shrfirm FROM share WHERE shrfirm REGEXP 'Ruby';

search for alternative strings

SELECT shrfirm FROM share WHERE LOWER(shrfirm) REGEXP 'gold|zinc';

search for beginning string/ending string ‘^Sri’/ ‘geese$’


eliminating duplicate rows



SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT shrpe) as 'Different PEs' FROM share;


DELETE FROM share WHERE shrfirm = 'Burmese Elephant';


UPDATE share SET shrprice = 31.50 WHERE shrcode = 'FC';

2a SELECT name, code FROM share 2d. SELECT * FROM share WHERE price < 1 2c. SELECT name, price FROM share WHERE price >=10 2d. SELECT firm name, price, holding, firm name * price * holding AS total FROM share

2e. SELECT name, price/ holding* 100 AS yield FROM share WHERE yield >5 2f. SELECT dividend * quantity AS totaldiv FROM share WHERE code = ‘PT’

2g. SELECT * FROM share WHERE price < dividend * 20 2h.==subqueries== SELECT price/ holding* 100 AS yield FROM share WHERE yield >(SELECT MIN(yield) FROM share)

2i, SELECT SUM(price) FROM share WHERE PEratio >10 2j.

Chapter 4 The One-to-Many Relationship

natcode是stock的外键,因为它是nation的主键,natcode是斜体,红色菱形(外键) every foreign key must have a matching primary key primary key is non-null but foreign key can null

  PRIMARY KEY(stkcode),
  CONSTRAINT fk_has_nation FOREIGN KEY(natcode)


Querying a two-table database


两个表里都各有一个部分我们想要,组成一个新表的时候 虽然这个列(一个表里的FK,另一个表里的PK),但是查询的时候要写table名。

SELECT natname, sum(stkprice*stkqty*exchrate) as stkvalue
    FROM stock JOIN nation ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode
        GROUP BY natname;

GROUP BY - reporting be groups

List stocks by nation, and for each nation show the number of stocks for each PE ratio and the total value of those stock holdings in UK pounds. SELECT natname, stkpe, COUNT(), SUM(stkprice stkqty*exchrate) AS stkvalue FROM stock,nation GROUP BY natname, stkpe;

list stocks by nation (就是GROUP BY natname, stkpe, 换句话说,每个不同的 (natname, stkpe) 组合将被视为一个分组), and for each nation show the number of stocks for each PE ratio(SELECT natname, stkpe, COUNT(* ))这个COUNT计数的(natname, stkpe)组合的计数 and the total value of those stock holdings in UK pounds(SUM(stkprice * stkqty * exchrate) AS stkvalue)



Regular expression- pattern matching

不含specified charachters的string :

SELECT natname FROM nation WHERE LOWER(natname) REGEXP '[^a-z]'

repeated pattern or repetition

SELECT stkfirm FROM stock WHERE stkfirm REGEXP '[e]{2}';

combining alternation and repetition multiple versions of a string

 WHERE LOWER(stkfirm) REGEXP '[io]nia';

string in a particular position

WHERE LOWER(stkfirm) REGEXP '^(.){2}t';

string not containing any specified characters

WHERE LOWER(natname) REGEXP '^[^s]*$'


Outer query SELECT stkfirm FROM stock WHERE natcode IN Inner query (SELECT natcode FROM nation WHERE natname = ‘Australia’) 在inner query里面就不必implicity qualified as nation.natcode了 在outer query里面就默认是stock.natcode

correlated subquery

SELECT natname, stkfirm, stkqty FROM stock JOIN nation
    ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode
    WHERE stkqty >
        (SELECT avg(stkqty) FROM stock
            WHERE stock.natcode = nation.natcode);对每个国家算它这个国家的平均股票水平

Views- virtual tables

CREATE VIEW stkvalue
    (nation, firm, price, qty, exchrate, value)
    AS SELECT natname, stkfirm, stkprice, stkqty, exchrate,
            FROM stock JOIN nation
            ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode;

A view can be used in a query

SELECT nation, firm, value FROM stkvalue WHERE value > 100000;

2a SELECT stkprice * stkqty * exchrate AS value FROM stock JOIN nation ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode WHERE natname = ‘AUS’; 2b.Report the dividend payment of all stocks.???

SELECT stkcode, stkfirm, stkdivstkqtyexchrate FROM stock JOIN nation ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode;

2c. SELECT natname, SUM(stkqty * stkprice) FROM stock, nation GROUP BY natcode;这里还是要用JOIN的

2d. CREATE VIEW value (nation, frim, stkprice, stkqty, exchrate, value, yield) AS SELECT natname, stkfirm, stkprice, stkqty, exchrate, FROM stock JOIN nation ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode;

2e. SELECT natname,AVG(value.yield) FORM stock JOIN nation ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode GROUP BY natcode; 2f. SELECT natname, MAX(value.yield), MIN(value.yield) FORM stock JOIN nation ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode GROUP BY natcode;

==2g. ???==

SELECT natname, stkfirm, stkqty, stkpricestkqtyexchrate,stkdiv/stkprice100exchrate AS yield FROM stock JOIN nation ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode WHERE yield > (SELECT avg(yield) FROM stock GROUP BY natname )

error Code: 1054. Unknown column ‘yield’ in ‘where clause’ 0.094 sec

SELECT natname, stkfirm, stkqty,stkpricestkqtyexchrate,stkdiv/stkprice100exchrate AS yield FROM stock JOIN nation ON stock.natcode = nation.natcode GROUP BY natname HAVING AVG(yield) > (SELECT AVG(yield) FROM stock);

Chapter 5 The Many-to-Many Relationship

The plus indicates that LINEITEM’s unique identifier is the concatenation of saleno and lineno When we have an m:m relationship, we create an associative entity to store data about the relationship.

CREATE TABLE lineitem ( lineno INTEGER, lineqty INTEGER NOT NULL, lineprice DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL, saleno INTEGER, itemno INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(lineno,saleno), CONSTRAINT fk_has_sale FOREIGN KEY(saleno) REFERENCES sale(saleno), CONSTRAINT fk_has_item FOREIGN KEY(itemno) REFERENCES item(itemno)); Lineno位于两个1 : m关系的many 端。

Querying an m : m relationship

A three-table join: 三表连接


at least one line meets a specified condition

SELECT itemname, itemcolor FROM item
    WHERE itemtype = 'C'
    AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM lineitem
        WHERE lineitem.itemno = item.itemno);

NOT EXISTS子查询来检查这些商品是否在lineitem表中没有对应的条目。如果没有对应的条目,则这些商品符合查询的条件,将会被返回。 all rows do not satisfy a specified condition

SELECT itemname, itemcolor FROM item
    WHERE itemtype = 'C'
        (SELECT * FROM lineitem
            WHERE item.itemno = lineitem.itemno);


Find the items that have appeared in all sales. forall

SELECT itemno, itemname FROM item
        (SELECT * FROM sale
            WHERE NOT EXISTS
                (SELECT * FROM lineitem
                    WHERE lineitem.itemno = item.itemno
                    AND lineitem.saleno = sale.saleno));


Beyond the great divide

The query “Find the items that have appeared in all sales”

“Find the items for which the number of sales that include this item is equal to the total number of sales.” “Find items such that there does not exist a sale in which this item does not appear.”

如果某个 “saleno” 值在表 “sale” 中出现了多次,COUNT(DISTINCT saleno) 将会计算这个 “saleno” 值为一个唯一值,而不会重复计算。因此,结果会告诉您有多少个不同的 “saleno” 值在表 “sale” 中出现了。

SELECT item.itemno, item.itemname
    FROM item JOIN lineitem
        ON item.itemno = lineitem.itemno
            GROUP BY item.itemno, item.itemname
                HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT saleno)
                    = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT saleno) FROM sale);

Set Operations



  1. List the names of items for which the quantity sold is greater than one for any sale.

  2. Compute the total value of sales for each item by date.

  3. Report all items of type “F” that have been sold.

  4. List all items of type “F” that have not been sold.

  5. Compute the total value of each sale.
    a SELECT itemno, itemname FROM item JOIN lineitem ON item.itemno = lineitem.itemno WHERE (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT itemno) FROM lineitem) >1 b. SELECT itemno, itemname FROM item JOIN lineitem ON item.itemno = lineitem.itemno lineitem JOIN sale ON lineitem.saleno = sale.saleno GROUP BY saledate HAVING (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT itemno) FROM lineitem) c. SELECT itemno, itemname FROM item WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sale WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE lineitem.itemno = item.itemno AND lineitem.saleno = sale.saleno AND itemtype = “F”)); d. SELECT itemno, itemname FROM item WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sale WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM lineitem WHERE lineitem.itemno = item.itemno AND lineitem.saleno = sale.saleno AND itemtype = “F”)); e. SELECT saleno, SUM(lineqty * lineprice)
    FROM lineitem
    GROUP BY saleno;

Chapter 6 One-to-One and Recursive Relationships

Modeling a one-to-one relationship

就是这个1:1是隐藏的,所以要把它标出来 大概就是一个boss可以用很多个employee

不同的表中进行的递归:Mapping a recursive one-to-many relationship

在many的那一端创建一个additional column as foreign key. In this case, empno is used, so we use bossno as the FK in empoly table 就是emp表里有deptname(另一个表的主键),能作为FK,还有一个附加列。 dep表里有empno(另一个表的主键)不能作为FK


    deptname        VARCHAR(15),
    deptfloor       SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    deptphone       SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    empno           SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(deptname));
    empno           SMALLINT,
    empfname        VARCHAR(10),
    empsalary       DECIMAL(7,0),
    deptname        VARCHAR(15),
    bossno          SMALLINT,
    PRIMARY KEY(empno),
    CONSTRAINT fk_belong_dept FOREIGN KEY(deptname)
        REFERENCES dept(deptname),
    CONSTRAINT fk_has_boss FOREIGN KEY(bossno)
        REFERENCES emp(empno));


Self-Referential foreign key

note order

Query One-to-One Relationship

List the salary of each department’s boss

SELECT emfname, deptname, empsalary FROM emp WHERE empno IN (SELECT empno FROM dept);


Querying a recursive 1 : m relationship


Find the salary of Nancy’s boss.

WITH wrk AS (SELECT * FROM emp), boss AS( SELECT * FROM emp) SELECT wrk.empfname, wrk.empsalary , boss.empfname, boss.empsalary FROM wrk JOIN boss ON wrk.bossno = boss.empno WHERE wrk.empfname = ‘Nancy’;

Find the names of employees who earn more than their boss.

在同一个表里进行的递归Modeling a recursive one-to-one relationship

也可以用self referential

同一个表Querying a recursive one-to-one relationship

Was Elizabeth II’s predecessor a king or queen?

cur AS (SELECT * FROM monarch),
pre AS (SELECT * FROM monarch)
SELECT pre.montype FROM cur JOIN  pre
    ON cur.premonname = pre.monname AND cur.premonnum = pre.monnum
    WHERE cur.monname = 'Elizabeth'
    AND cur.monnum = 'II';

List the kings and queens of England in ascending chronological order.

SELECT montype, monname, monnum, rgnbeg FROM monarch ORDER BY rgnbeg(时间的那一列);

Modeling a recursive many-to-many relationship

两个表也可以表示m : m关系,因为就是商品,买家和销售列表是三个表,但是如果商品多一列附加列是买家的主键,就可以递归两个表表示m:m

Mapping a recursive many-to-many relationship

CREATE TABLE product (
    prodid          INTEGER,
    proddesc        VARCHAR(30),
    prodcost        DECIMAL(9,2),
    prodprice       DECIMAL(9,2),
        PRIMARY KEY(prodid));
CREATE TABLE assembly (
    quantity        INTEGER NOT NULL,
    prodid          INTEGER,
    subprodid       INTEGER,
        PRIMARY KEY(prodid, subprodid),
        CONSTRAINT fk_assembly_product FOREIGN KEY(prodid)
            REFERENCES product(prodid),
        CONSTRAINT fk_assembly_subproduct FOREIGN KEY(subprodid)
            REFERENCES product(prodid));

Querying a recursibe many-to-many relationship

List the product description and cost of each component of the animal photography kit.


a AS (SELECT * FROM product),
b AS (SELECT * FROM product)
SELECT b.proddesc, b.prodcost FROM a JOIN assembly
        ON a.prodid = assembly.prodid
        JOIN b
        ON assembly.subprodid = b.prodid
        WHERE a.proddesc = 'Animal photography kit';


SELECT proddesc, prodcost FROM product
    WHERE prodid IN
        (SELECT subprodid FROM product JOIN assembly
                ON product.prodid = assembly.prodid
                WHERE proddesc = 'Animal photography kit');

Write SQL to answer the following queries using the DEPT and EMP tables described in this chapter: 使用本章中描述的 DEPT 和 EMP 表编写 SQL 来回答以下查询:

Find the departments where all the employees earn less than their boss. 找到所有员工收入都低于老板的部门。 WITH wrk AS (SELECT * FROM emp), boss AS (SELECT * FROM emp) SELECT wrk.deptname FROM dept JOIN wrk ON wrk.bossno = dept.empno JOIN boss ON boss. bossno = dept.empno WHERE wrk.empsalary < boss.empsalary;

Find the names of employees who are in the same department as their boss (as an employee). 查找与其老板(作为员工)在同一部门的员工姓名。

List the departments having an average salary greater than $25,000. 列出平均工资超过 25,000 美元的部门。

List the departments where the average salary of the employees, excluding the boss, is greater than $25,000. 列出员工平均工资(不包括老板)超过 25,000 美元的部门。

List the names and manager of the employees of the Marketing department who have a salary greater than $25,000. 列出营销部门年薪超过 25,000 美元的员工姓名和经理。

List the names of the employees who earn more than any employee in the Marketing department. 列出收入高于营销部门任何员工的员工姓名。

Chapter 7 Data Modeling

the scope of its business models technology» trigger data models are converted into relational database

Data Modeling

Building blocks

entity attribute relationship identifier 就是如果这个多端有一个加号的话,代表Lineno不能单独定义这个entity,需要saleno和lineno一起来定义这个entity

Data model quality

nation-stock a lesson in pure geography family matter book a history lesson aircraft leasing 就是generalize lease


![[8201500abdb57c50b9d5cfec6b5fb25.png]] 就是○是表示可选 横杆 | 是表示必须存在 ○靠近的一端是被可选的一端

Entity Types

independent entity weak or dependent entity associative entity aggragate entity subordinate entity(动物里面有羊和牛,但是如果这个sub很重要就会变成independent entity)

Generalization and Aggregation

Chapter 8 Normalization and Other Data Modeling Methods

Functional dependency

one or more attributes determine the value of another

Normal forms

The hierarchy of normal forms is 5NF(fifth normal forms), 4NF, BCNF(Boyce-Codd), 3NF, 2NF, and 1NF. Thus, 5NF is the outermost doll. DK/NK(domain-key normal form)


an attribute must have a single value





Chapter 9 The Relational Model and Relational Algebra

The relational model data structure

integrity rules

No component of the primary key of a relation may be null. A database must not contain any unmatched foreign key values.

Chapter 10 SQL

structured query language

Data Definition

Key: 它可以是主键和外键的一部分。组合键是同一表的一组有序列。换句话说, lineitem 的主键始终是( lineno , saleno )按顺序组合而成,且无法更改。 Index: An index is an ordered set of pointers to rows of a base table Notation

Constraints 约束条件

Primary key constraint

Foreign key constraint

Unique constraint

Check constraint

Data Types

BOOLEAN Numeric String Datetime Object

Scalar functions(RDBMS manual)

How many days’ sales are stored in the sale table?


SELECT shrfirm, shrprice, shrqty, FORMAT(shrdiv/shrprice*100,2)
  AS yield
    FROM share;

Table commands

ALTER TABLE base-table ADD column data-type;
DROP TABLE base-table;
AS SELECT stkfirm, stkprice FROM stock;







INSERT INTO table [(column [,column] …)]
VALUES (literal [,literal] …);



UPDATE stock
SET stkqty = stkqty - 200000
WHERE stkcode IN ('FC','BS','NG');


    [WHERE condition];

Reference SQL playbook

Chapter 11 Spatial and Temporal Data

Spatial data

Managing spatial data

SQL/MM Spatial Spatial Reference Support System

Data model mapping


determine the method of calculating area or distance 比如欧式距离

Geometric functions

ST_X() ST_Area()

Geometry collections


MULTIPOINT(9.0 6.1, 8.9 6.0)


MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0)),((5 5,7 5,7 7,5 7, 5 5)))


ST_GeomCollFromText('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(1 1),LINESTRING(0 0,1 1,2 2,3 3,4 4))');



Managing Temporal Data

Transaction time: storing the time of change Valid time: post new prices some time before their effective date Bitemporal data: extra columns to record the upper and lowerr bounds for valid time and transaction time

Times Remembered

Temporal data

Unanchored Anchored: Instant and Interval



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